Author Guidelines
1- Papers submitted should not have been previously published nor submitted for current consideration
elsewhere at the moment of submission to JETT.
2- Papers can be presented in English only from 2021
3- Papers must be related to education in its wide sense, training, and professionalization. JETT publishes
research papers but also includes theoretical reflections, international literature reviews and
interviews with relevant authors and book reviews of interest for the scientific community.
4- All participants are expected to adhere the Research Code of Conduct. If required, authors must certify
their papers ethic committee approval.
5- JETT doesn’t take the responsibility of the contents, judgments, and the expressed opinions in the
published papers. Neither it is responsible about possible authorship derivatives conflicts of the
published papers in the magazine. These responsibilities have to be taken exclusively by the authors of
the published papers.
The responsibility for the content provided in the articles published and the opinions expressed are
exclusively of the author(s) concerned. JETT is not responsible for errors in the contents or any
consequences arising from the use of the information contained in it. The opinions expressed in the
research papers/articles in this journal do not necessarily represent the views of the of the Journal.
6- Paper and articles must follow APA style.
7- The authors must read, accept and fulfill the established commitments in the license DIGIBUG (Spanish
license, English license).
8- The papers and the DIGIBUG license (signed and filled) will be uploaded in the platform, exactly in the
Step 4. “uploading supplementary files”.
9- Papers Features:
Extension: approximately 6000 words.
Title: 2 languages (English and other).
Authors: authors complete name, e-mail, department/knowledge area, and position
Abstract: 200-250 words in two languages (English and other).
Key words: 3 to 6 descriptors in two languages (English and other).
Fonts: Arial, 12.
File format: .doc, .odt
Article processing charge:
Regardless of any acceptance or rejection conditions, authors are charged US $ 250 for review and monitoring costs.
For queriesContact Editorial Office:,
- Journal hosting systems
- Manuscript submission systems
- In-house copyediting and linguistic support
- Pagination & typesetting
- Inclusion in Crossref, giving a permanent DOI and enabling easy citation in other journals.
- Archiving in database, where appropriate, in an internationally recognized, open access repositories.