Evaluation Of the Managerial Behaviors of Primary School Principals as Perceived by Teachers


  • Şöhret Yiğiter
  • Ersun Şişik
  • Behcet Öznacar NEAR EAST ÜNİVERSTY




One of the important factors for teachers to be effective and productive is managerial behaviors of school principals. Managerial behaviors of school principals affect many factors such as organizational climate, motivation of employees and effective communication with stakeholders. This research aims to reveal the managerial behaviors of school principals in line with the opinions of teachers. Accordingly, it was conducted with the participation of 17 teachers working in primary schools of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in the 2021-2022 academic year. The research used a qualitative research method with a semi-structured interview form developed by the researcher. The research data were categorized by the interview questions and the participant responses were collected under themes. As a result of the research, the school principals’ managerial behaviors were not sufficient and effective in line with the opinions of the teachers and they did not meet their expectations.


