Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and its Relationship with Learning Difficulties Among School-aged Children


  • Faiza Rial



disorders, attention disorder accompanied by motor activity overload, learning difficulties, children, schooled children.


The current study aims to learn about the relationship between attention disorder accompanied by
motor activity overload and learning difficulties in schooled children, where a topic of distractions has long attracted the attention of researchers in the fields of education and psychology ،Pediatrics, which has been approached from multiple angles by researchers, and surveys in the past few decades have shown to distract from the most common problems in childhood ،Several associated disorders have
been identified and among the ones addressed in this article are learning difficulties. It was also found that there were common manifestations of both children with attention disorders associated with motor activity overload and children with learning difficulties of poor attention, listening and concentration, impulsivity and difficulties in thinking.


