The problem of communication among modern student youth


  • Belozerova I.A.



information, personality, communication, speech, means of communication, student youth, formalized language, nature, environment.


Problem and aim. The article is devoted to the problems of communication of modern student youth. It is no secret that only live communication is capable of forming a person's personal qualities. However, we are witnessing the alienation of the individual from the surrounding reality and its immersion in the world of virtual reality. It is no coincidence that today the problem of human relationships with other people and the environment is becoming increasingly relevant, one of the sides of which is direct communication in the real world. The purpose of this work is a monitoring study of various aspects of communication among modern student youth. The authors consider communication as a system of relationships between young people, society and the environment. The work provides a characteristic of the communicative, interactive and perceptual aspects of student communication.
Methodology. The methodological basis of the monitoring research is: a sociological survey, analysis and synthesis, generalization, comparative analysis. The empirical basis of this work was formed by the results of our own sociological research conducted among the students of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Belgorod State Agrarian University named
after V.Ya. Gorin. To process the respondents' answers, the methods of mathematical statistics were used - cluster and correlation types of analysis. Results. The authors reveal the essence of the phenomenon of communication as a necessary form of implementation of social relations; a monitoring analysis of the communicative, interactive and perceptual aspects of student communication in modern conditions was carried out; determined the conditions and factors for optimizing the general system of relationships developing between people, as well as between society and nature. Conclusion. The study made it possible to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of communication among modern student youth and outline practical recommendations for optimizing the general system of relationships that people develop with each other, society and the natural environment.





