Application Of Fuzzy Ahp on Transportation Mode Selection: The Case of Cut Flower Business


  • Bora Öçal



Logistics, Foreign Trade, Transportation, Fuzzy AHP, Cut Flowers.


The aim of this study, which was carried out in an enterprise exporting cut flowers, is to determine the criteria that are important in the selection of transportation types used by cut flower enterprises in international trade and to rank them according to their importance. For this purpose, face-to-face interviews were conducted with the personnel in charge of logistics of an enterprise operating in the
cut flower sector and engaged in export activities. As a result of the data obtained from these interviews and detailed literature review, the criteria affecting the choice of transportation type of the enterprise were determined as speed, cost, reliability, traceability and flexibility and the officials compared these criteria in pairs according to their importance. The data obtained from the comparisons were analyzed with the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method, one of the multi-criteria decision-making methods. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that the criteria with the highest level of importance for the cut flower business were speed and reliability, while cost and traceability had a medium level of importance and flexibility had a low level of importance.





