Exploring the Mediating Role on Distributive and Instructional Leadership of Teacher Organizational Satisfaction to Commitment: A Structural Equation Model


  • Fresan Magnate Northern Iloilo State University




Distributive Leadership, Instructional Leadership, Teacher Organizational Satisfaction, Teacher Organizational Commitment, Structural Equation Model


Leadership is a vital part of any institution. It involves the ability to motivate and inspire others to achieve their goals. Leaders come in all shapes and sizes, each with their unique style of leadership. This study hypothesized a structural equation model which highlights the direct and indirect influence of university heads leadership style which is distributive and instructional to teacher organizational satisfaction and commitment. In addition, the study explores the mediating roles of teacher organizational satisfaction in two leadership concepts (distributive and instructional) on teacher organizational commitment. Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modeling was employed to analyze the data from 504 faculty and evaluate the hypothesized model. From the investigation, three (3) equivalent models are generated. Among these 3 generated models, one model that is supported by literature was chosen to be the best model. This model shows that the distributive leadership of university heads was predicted by their instructional leadership. Moreover, the relationship between instructional leadership and teacher satisfaction is completely mediated by distributive leadership. Similarly, the relationship between instructional leadership and teacher organizational commitment is fully mediated by distributive leadership and teacher organizational satisfaction. The predictive relationship between distributive leadership and teacher organizational commitment was fully mediated by teacher organizational satisfaction, which was predicted by distributive leadership. Finally, teacher organizational satisfaction predicts teacher organizational commitment.


