Effects of Biweekly Circuit Training on the Improvement of Strength, Speed and Endurance Qualities in High-Level Handball Players in Algeria


  • BENFETIMA Khadidja, BENFETIMA Zohra, BAHRI Abdallah, GASMI Abdelmalek, ZEGHDAR Moufida


biweekly training; circuit training; female handball players; Improvement of recovery qualities; Explosive efforts.


Physical preparation today is based on several foundations which are represented by scientific discoveries and experimental work, equipment and techniques used as well as the new methodological approaches which probably symbolize the most innovative advances in the improvement of physical qualities.

To estimate the structuring of training among high-level handball players, it is essential to include physical qualities as an essential basis for preparation athletic in handball, and for their improvement, we offer a form of training, which is most important: «Work in Circuit Training».

The origin of the research:

This involves responding to a request for improvement of a well-identified physical quality among high-level handball players in Algeria, the close succession of brief efforts and intense causes the handball player to request her VO²Max.  This thus justifies the work of maximum aerobic power, intended to develop this but above all to improve the tolerance and adaptation of the body to this intensity of effort.Consequently, the development of strength-speed must be done in a specific way to activity, that is to say intermittently. The importance of maximum strength for strength-speed increases as the load to be overcome increases. Likewise, this work goes in the direction of improving the qualities of high recovery intensity of effort, and therefore an improvement in the ability to reproduce efforts explosives in another situation successively.





