Effects of Leg Extensors on Kinematic Parameters of Suspension Shooting in High-performance Algerian Handball Players
Muscular Power, Parametric kinematics, Bio-kinematics method.Abstract
Since the integration of science into the field of sport, performance has continued to improve. This can be explained by the effectiveness of training methods based on scientific principles, and by the significant advances in evaluation tools and techniques. With the recent development of computers and electronics, a new dimension has been added to techniques for analyzing the sporting movement. Handball, as a competitive discipline, has also undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years, with more attention being paid to the physical aspect by developing training methods adapted to the demands of top-level performance. Today's handball player tends to become more powerful, enduring and stronger in order to achieve optimum sporting performance (1). A number of studies have shown that increasing the maximum strength of handball players can not only improve their shooting speed but also increase their power (2). It is therefore essential to understand the impact of lower limb power as a means of increasing muscular strength in order to apply it to a motor skill (suspension shooting) and thus aim for maximum sporting performance. Our approach is to set up a well-structured training programme to develop the power of the extensors of the legs in handball players and to predict the effectiveness of suspension shooting by determining the kinematic parameters (positions, angles, speeds, ….etc.), using the bio-kinematic method.