The Role of Heritage in Emphasizing the Features of Cultural Identity: “the Water Springs in the Kasbah of Algiers as a Case Study.”
Heritage; Kasbah of Algiers; Water Springs; Cultural Identity.Abstract
This article seeks to examine the role of heritage in illuminating the characteristics of Algerian cultural identity, using “the Kasbah Springs” as a case study. The focus is on the tangible heritage concerning the water springs, which were integral to daily life in the Kasbah, and how these springs embody the inhabitants’ relationship to their environment and heritage over time. Through an anthropological analysis, the paper reviews the significance of the Kasbah Springs not merely as water sources, but as cultural elements that boosts local identity and narrate historical accounts of crafts, customs, and traditions. The research further explores how the preservation of this heritage contributes to the strengthening of national identity and stands against the challenges posed by globalization and urban deterioration. The paper concludes that the water heritage of the Kasbah, epitomized by its springs, serves as a crucial foundation for comprehending Algeria’s cultural identity and fosters intergenerational connections to cultural heritage.