Learning music form everyday things: creative experiences


  • Jusamara Souz Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


It is a tradition in music education to transform everyday objects into sources of music making or music learning. A large number of concepts and experimental reports show the possibilities of transforming objects into musical instruments or the interaction of music making with the environment. This article addresses the dimension of creativity present in the interaction of people with objects of the environment to make music through a sociological perspective of music education. This perspective conceives music as a social production which contributes to the idea of pertaining to a group, the expression or the value of a culture and the transmission of traditions and attitudes. The article has been divided into three parts: (1) Making music as a human and as a social experience; (2) The tradition of music making with objects, and (3) Experience: transforming objects into percussion; transforming objects of nature into melodies; transforming toys into musical instruments. It is our intent to contribute to the discussion on musical creativity through interactions with everyday objects and encourage other professionals to observe and explore the musical potentialities in theirs environments.


