Building cyber citizenship in the net and from the Professional Networks: A creative strategy for analysis of the inequality


  • Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Moscosio Universidad de Sevilla


The EQUAL project 'e-Equality in Andalusia' integrated various strategies for developing social innovation through the analysis of culture and research on women. One of these were the panels Andalucía Activ@, forums in which to reflect and critically analyze, and share, the problems affecting the development of equal citizenship. The present article analyzes both the structure of the proposed methodology and the communicative contents stated by the participants in a chat, whose topics are inserted into the development of the Knowledge Society: „Female citizens of the 21st century‟. The originality of this research lies in its emphasis on the development of equal citizenship beyond traditional public spaces. The potential of cyberspace as a place to develop as female cybercitizens is studied, taking advantage of the opportunities of the Society of Information and Knowledge. A content analysis following a system of categories and codes was used employing qualitative data analysis through AQUAD program. This served to identify problems in the use of ICT, which hinder the full development of the network of networks, as well as to provide possible solutions that could improve the chances of women in society





