Analysis of management leadership styles and their correlation with the synthetic index of educational quality
This article shows the results of a research whose objective is to identify and analyze the leadership styles from the experiences in the educational practicum and their relationship in the development and improvement of the educational quality in the public schools of Villavicencio, Colombia. According to the objectives, this research has a qualitative approach with a descriptive - correlational type, For that reason, it was made a descriptive analysis of the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) from the OCDE (2013), which was developed within the second international study about Teaching and Learning and it was applied to 34 directive people of some educational institutions of Villavicencio, - Meta - Colombia, it searched to demonstrate the relations between the questions that asses the directives' leadership aspects with the results of the Synthetic Index of Education Quality (ISCE) taking advantage of the sample size which is not far from the population size that is used by the factorial analysis techniques, it found links between the work experience and the leadership training as very important aspects in the ISCE scores. As the most relevant conclusions, it is found that the directive leadership is not one-sided, but there are also other members of the community who contributes to it. Likewise, it is shown the lack of budget and resources by the government for the teachers’ training and the support to get educational resources for the teaching practice.