Knowledge attitude and practice of resin-based sealers among dental practitioners and specialists


  • Kaushik Vishnu. R
  • DR J Mahalakshmi



Awareness; eco friendly; Endodontic sealers; root canal; resin based sealers; innovative method.


Introduction: Endodontic sealers are used to attain a fluid-proof seal throughout the root canal system. An ideal root canal sealer should offer an excellent seal when set, dimensional stability, a sufficient setting time to ensure working time, insolubility against tissue fluids, proper adhesion with canal walls, and biocompatibility, we aim to assess the knowledge of resin-based sealers among
dental practitioners and specialists.
Material and methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among dental students on the
Knowledge attitude and practice of resin-based sealers among dental practitioners and specialists. This was a questionnaire-based survey study. The questionnaire included around 10 questions which consisted of demographic details also. The questionnaire was circulated through an online platform Google forms survey link. The data was collected from the Google docs forms.
Results: According to our study almost 68% of the respondents were aware of the Knowledge attitude and practice of resin-based sealers. The level of significance was found to be, p value 0.001( p value < 0.05) which was statistically significant
Conclusion: From this study it is concluded that the dental practitioners and specialists are well aware of the uses of resin-based sealers. Knowledge on resin-based sealers could be increased among dental practitioners and specialists.





