Teachers´ perceptions of professional development experiences: an ongoing concern


  • Jafeth E. Sanchez University of Nevada, Reno
  • Susan L. Williams University of Nevada, Reno
  • Margaret M. Ferrara University of Nevada, Reno


Teachers’ perceptions of professional development experiences related to process, content, and context were explored to better address leadership preparation needs. Teachers responded to the Professional Development Questionnaire, three demographic variables (teaching experience, Title 1 status, and current grade level) pertaining to the individual, and one open-ended comment field. A total of 327 teachers from a large western school district in the United States responded. The findings indicated that there were no significant differences for the three demographic grouping variables. Overall, results revealed low mean values, indicating that teachers disagreed or strongly disagreed with statements related to their professional development experiences. Teachers also indicated that their own building administrators did not value professional development. Finally, teachers’ perceptions of professional development also suggested that professional development topics were irrelevant, and that they were not provided with enough time to integrate topics into their current practice





