Women vindicating school participation to become full right citizens: A research project in rural areas in Latin America
Research on “gender” has developed the last decades as an important theoretical and empirical field of research. But in times of crisis, when lower classes, race minorities, citizens on the margin, and the poor, are the excluded for sectarian reasons, disparities between men and women increase. This is particularly observed in those spaces where the internationally defined global dominance order disrupts local paths to development. In rural areas in Latin America, men and women are unequal. In this paper, in order to generate new paths towards equality, we aim to investigate in which ways, under which educational premises, and under what social organizations, gendered negative features can be minimized. To get to this point, we are forced to analyze what means sharing public and private spheres of life in one and another context and circumstance. Evidently, gender stereotypes are not fixed, neither gender heritage. They are a result of mixed circumstances related to how the relations of dominion and dominance are established in a colonial modeled order which oppresses the oppressed and leaves no space to find a balance to develop human rights and citizenship participation for men and women in this time in history.