Violence against women with disabilities: A proposal for training at the University of Huelva (Spain)


  • Emilia Moreno Sánchez Universidad de Huelva
  • Asunción Moya Maya Universidad de Huelva
  • Francisco José Morales Gil Universidad de Huelva


In this article we present a training experience for the students of the University of Huelva (Spain). We, as teaching professionals, consider that we must train people who are reflective, critical, supportive and committed people to the problems of their social environment. Because of this, the activity described is focused on training and education. It's a preventive action towards the different situations and typer of violence against disabled women. We try to develop positive attitudes and didactic skills to facilitate the approach to these women specific needs and problems. This task is specially important for the studies in which the students are going to communicate directly the knowledge that they have acquired by their professional internship: the university degrees of Pre-school and Primary Education.





