Analysis of learning conditions and lifestyle of students of the multidiscipline university during distance learning period


  • Аksana M. Kаrdаngushevа
  • Antonina F. Budnik
  • Maryam H. Kurdanova
  • Olga V. Voronova
  • Asiyat I. Zheldasheva
  • Zalina A. Ulbasheva



The purpose of this study was to establish changes in the learning conditions and lifestyle of students of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov” (KBSU), when switching to distance learning during the epidemic of a new coronavirus infection (COVID -19). We conducted an anonymous survey of 256 students using the online Google Forms in the period from January 27 to February 8, 2021. The study revealed changes in some components of the learning conditions and lifestyle of students with their transfer to the distance learning: an increase in preparation time for classes among 42.9% of respondents, an increase in the number of cigarettes smoked in all smokers, a decrease in physical activity among 62.9% of respondents. At the same time, the consumption of vegetables (36.7%) and fruits (43.8%) increased, the frequency of eating in cafes and restaurants decreased in the absence of changes in the frequency of buying or ordering ready-made food among all students, sleep duration increased among 60, 9% of students. The nutrition changes of students were influenced by the restrictions taken in the region to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection. The results of our study indicate a need to monitor the preparation time for classes, level of physical activity, smoking and development of recommendations for students on the organization of educational and physical activities during distance learning period.





